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As an avid outdoor enthusiast and gear nerd, there is nothing I love more than field testing gear to see how it all goes in real-world applications. Some pieces of gear work exceptionally well for what they are designed for, but with a little imagination, some pieces of gear far exceed your expectations and become integral to how you interact with the outdoor environment. For me, the Salomon Adv Skin 12 Hydration Vest is one such piece of equipment.
When I’m not in the shop helping our valued customers gear up for their next adventure, you can find me in the mountains where I work as a professional multi-pitch climbing guide, or just off hiking through the mountains where cell reception is hard to find.
Oh, before we start, for those who don’t know what multi-pitch climbing is, let me break it down for you. A single pitch of climbing is climbing up a rock face for the distance of half your rope. For example, if you have a 70-meter rope you can safely climb up 35 meters and then be lowered back down by your partner without running out of rope. Multi-pitch climbing is when you use advanced climbing techniques to go further than the length of rope that you have and then back down again. It makes for a very adventurous day out.
Now back to the Salomon Adv Skin 12 and how it has changed the way that I not only go hiking but the way I spend my days on those adventurous multi-pitch climbs.
Most people know that the Salomon range of hydration vests are designed for the endurance athlete to tackle the demands of whatever running race they have committed to, but to be fair, I’d be lucky to run out of sight on a dark night. So, no, running was definitely not the reason my attention was drawn to this vest, it was for a very different reason.
In multi-pitch climbing and especially as a guide, I have to take an extensive list of gear with me including first aid kits, emergency shelters, food, water, and extra climbing equipment. Usually, this is done by climbing with a backpack. The problem I have found with a backpack is that it changes your centre of gravity while climbing, the extra weight pulling you away from the wall making an already hard to climb route all that more difficult. The other concerning problem with a backpack is that you have to remove it from your shoulders to access any of the gear, a risky undertaking as you can drop your gear or worse drop the whole bag. This was when I had the thought of using a running vest as a way to carry my gear instead. The Salomon Adv Skin 12 was the perfect solution for a whole number of reasons.
One surprising feature that I have found but was not suspecting, is the durability of this product. From YKK zips to the light yet tough polyester fabric, I’ve dragged my vest up and down cliffs of Australia including the organpipes of (Kunanyi) in Tasmania, World famous Mount Arapiles (Dyurrite) in Victoria, The Blue Mountains of NSW and the Glass House mountains of Queensland for more than 2 years and it still looks brand new (albeit with a heap of loving stains).
The vest does come in various colour options. At the time I purchased a red one as I prefer my outdoor gear to have as high a visibility as possible but if stains are a concern there is a black option as well (pro tip, black vest plus a Queensland sun does not make a happy climber).
There is one last thing that I want you all to know. This vest is amazing when it comes to hiking. Just quickly, I have used this vest in conjunction with my hiking pack on multiple occasions as it allows me to summit large mountains with relative ease. A quick cache of your pack and then off you go with your vest allowing you to carry water, food and essential safety equipment for the arduous summit ahead. This tactic changed how I hiked large mountains such as Mount Ossa and Mount Oakley in Tasmania through to Mount Feathertop in the Alpine National Park of Victoria and to be honest, it is way better than any daypack that I have ever used, unlike a daypack that needs to be stashed in your main hiking pack the Salomon vest fits perfectly under your pack while you are wearing both.
To say I love this piece of gear would be an understatement. It has been a total game changer for me when it comes to long technical climbing through to challenging hikes that literally take me to some of the most beautiful views that you could ever imagine. I personally cannot tell you how the vest performs for running but I can say that the other members of the Wild Earth team who love their endurance running as much as I love my climbing are also huge fans of this vest. I can honestly say that this bit of equipment has been one of the best investments I have ever made.
Not sure what gear you need for your adventure? Chat with our friendly team of Outdoor Gear Specialists in-store or online today and don’t forget to share your adventures with us on Instagram by tagging @wildearthaustralia and #mywildearth in your next post.
About the contributor:
Christian Nicoll is our Burleigh store's climbing guru. A self-confessed gear nerd who loves playing in the outdoors while sharing his knowledge with anyone who wants to learn. When he is not in the shop he works as a professional climbing guide and manages a climbing gym in Ballina. When not buried in his work you can find Christian out climbing and hiking in some of the most challenging places in Australia such as climbing the Totem Pole in Tasmania which was featured in a film presented by Wild Earth and North Face during the climbing film tour. You can follow his adventures on Instagram.