How To Sh$# In The Woods

A crash-course on doing your business in the bush.


The call of the wild. It lies within all of us… An urge, a desire, a deep feeling in the gut to ummmmm… you know… poop! And when you're on the trail you better listen to that call and go about your business the right way. 

With hiking areas increased popularity comes large collective responsibility for hikers to go to the toilet in an environmentally conscious way. This means leaving no trace where possible and disposing of their waste properly. We want to shed light on the smellier parts of ‘trail life’ and share how to do your business on the trail - so here's how it's done!


Scope out location

Firstly, your chosen spot to go to the toilet should be atleast 100 metres away from camp or the trail, ensuring no unassuming hiker stumbles upon you or your creation. The next thing to consider is if there are any water sources nearby, as your poop can contaminate these reservoirs. If you can't find a spot that is at least 100 metres or away from heavily trafficked areas, you may have to pack your poop - check out our Leave No Trace option below. Finally, before you pull your pants down, check the map, are there any toilets or waste facilities nearby? If not, then it's time for business...


It’s Business Time

  1. Use your boot to remove any foliage or sticks from your chosen ‘poop site’.
  2. Next, dig a hole 15cm deep with a trowel (A stone, stick or heel will work as well.)
  3. Pop a squat over the hole, and do your business.
  4. You can use natural toilet paper, like leaves (it’s free!), or you can pack some biodegradable toilet paper for the occasion. 
  5. Once finished, fill in the hole and replace the foliage and sticks over the top. Use your boot to pack-in the hole, the idea is to leave no signs you were there. 
  6. Use some hand sanitiser to clean your hands (your trail buddies will thank you!).


Natural Toilet Essentials


It’s always better to Leave No Trace

If you are near a water source or wanting to minimise your impact on the pristine environment around you then consider packing your waste out. It's not as gross as you may think - here's how it's done. 

  1. When you’ve done your business, place your hand in a paper bag and pick up your poop. Fold the bag over and seal it off.
  2. Next place the paper bag into a plastic bag or zip lock (try to use biodegradable bags). Expel all the air out and tie a knot in the top.
  3. Place this plastic bag into an allocated ‘Dry Bag’ or ‘Poo Tube’ to guarantee no smell and protect your gear.
  4. Dispose of your waste at a dedicated waste facility dump point.
  5. Pat yourself on the back for being such a good person! #packitout


Pack It Out Essentials

  • Toilet Paper
  • Paper Bag
  • Biodegradable Plastic Bag or Ziplock.
  • Dry Bag/Poo Tub
  • Hand Sanitiser

Sanitary Products

To keep our forests and waterways free from waste remember to pack out all sanitary products - such as tampons, pads, ear-buds and bandaids. It helps to bring a small ziplock bag to store your used products until you can dispose of them properly or use purpose-made reusuable sanitary products such as the Juju menstrual cup

Everyone loves a scenic bush poop, birds chirp and crickets hum as you go about your business. But to keep our national parks wild and pristine, hikers need to dispose of their waste properly - whether that's burying it or packing it out.  By thinking about the impacts of our toilet routine when in the wilderness we can reduce our footprint and leave no trace. So now you know how to Sh$# in the woods it’s time to get your essentials sorted, for the next time nature calls!





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